The Full Corpus

Since artography isn't a word and I think oeuvre is a stupid term I am just going to refer to my body of 3DCG artwork as the corpus (latin for body). No single gallery of mine has a complete listing of all my published work. This page serves as the most complete list of everything I've made that is publicly available. I intend to condense the gallery into a centralized place but until then this page will serve as the list. Please refer to each piece's page for credits. Pieces that I have commissioned have been included in the list. I may split commissions off from the main gallery but unless people start complaining I'll probably just keep it together.

Eventually I would like to mirror my complete gallery here (powered by GNU MediaGoblin) but until that day this list is what will be here. One of my end goals is to eventually use my own assets to create scenes and animations. I got serious about this in late 2024 so artwork from then on will feature more originally made objects. I use a variety of FOSS and proprietary tools to make my artwork. Very few images are made with one single program.

Artwork is sorted by reverse-release date so the latest works will always be on the top. I have done artwork in the past before Unusual Allies but there is zero chance I am going to try and track down all the artifacts of my past. This is just the 3DCG stuff I have made. Enjoy!



The Full Corpus [2022 - present]

Yakumono in Dreamland (2024)
The Goat King (2024)
Have a Map! (2022)
Unusual Allies (2022)


During the serialization of the Turnabout Trilogy I created a series of boss, operation and character cards for each event in the story. Nearly all of these cards featured recycled assets and didn't have anywhere near the same level of effort as the pieces above. To prevent these from cluttering my gallery I have separated these. If you have read any book from the Turnabout Trilogy you have already seen these images. I am only including these for completion sake.

NOTE: If you are currently reading any of the Turnabout books please refrain from checking this section as it will have spoilers of who joins the team!

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