A man stared at a computer screen, glass of apple juice to his mouth as he looked over numbers and patterns pass by. He sat at a table with like minded individuals, lights dimmed so nobody could make out who sat with them. A lot has been changing in the city as of late. The defeat and subsequent destruction of the Dearest Family opened a massive vacuum in the underworld. The deaths of the police chief and mayor in Operation Teardown threw the bureaucracy into turmoil. The appearances of Tricky, Lucifer and [redacted] in one night, even if brief sent shockwaves across the city. That Lucifer allowed the Dearest Family to run unabated for so long lead some to question her leadership too. She was hunting down loyalists in the real underworld, quite a few emerging on the surface, taking their chances on Earth to avoid her wrath. Simply put, the city is in turmoil.
It feels like we're in an interbellum. While there are conflicts all across the city it's still noticably calmer than what used to rule. But just because things are calmer doesn't mean the city is peaceful. There are paramilitary organizations, amateur demon-slayers, professional thieves and scorned titans seemingly rising from the ashes, all converging on our city.
The following records were compiled by an unknown archivist known only by the alias of Ludgren. They detail events experienced by several different characters.
These are The Ludgren Files.
Note: This story is set is in the same world as Turnabout Teardown. That aside, it's otherwise unrelated (except for a handful of TTSS character that will show up). You don't need to read any of TTSS to know what's going on.